PLEASE SAVE ALL OF YOUR PACKING MATERIALS. They are designed to protect your
MicroScribe G2, and should be retained in case the MicroScribe G2 should ever require
transporting or service. Should you choose to travel extensively with the MicroScribe, you may
wish to purchase a traveling case available from Immersion Corporation or from your MicroScribe
You are now ready to unpack the MicroScribe G2 system. After you remove the top protective
sheet of foam, you will find that the system is packed as shown in Figure 1. The MicroScribe G2
fits into the large cutout and the accessories, such as the USB cable, power supply, serial cable,
and foot pedal, drop into the other cutout. Software is added above the system components and
should be located immediately above or below the top protective sheet of foam.
1. Remove the top protective sheet of foam, revealing all of the contents of the package.
2. Remove software packages (may be packed in shrink-wrapped or bubble-wrapped bags
containing disks and documentation).
3. To remove the MicroScribe from the foam materials lift it out, as shown in Figure 3.
Grasp the MicroScribe G2 at its “elbow” with your left hand. Insert your right hand through
the hold (as shown) to lift it out of its shipping carton. The system weighs approximately
12 pounds, so be sure to have a firm grasp before beginning.
Be aware that both the wrist/stylus assembly as well as the base will be unsupported and
free to move about. It is recommended to have the other hand ready to catch the arm as
it unfolds upon emerging from the packaging.
Figure 3 – Lifting the MicroScribe out of package.