Setting the proper base angle - PROPER START-UP POSITION
While the MicroScribe will work properly regardless of the base joint angle at start-up (as long as
it is in the home position described above) the coordinate system of the MicroScribe depends
upon the orientation that the arm is at when the system is turned on. Figure 10 shows the
suggested power-up position. Notice that the MicroScribe base is facing the back of the desk as
suggested earlier.
Figure 10 - The default start-up
orientation of the MicroScribe.
At power-up, the default origin (0,0,0 point) is
set directly below the center of the base joint
axis, flush with the bottom of the base plate.
This also corresponds to the center of the
threaded insert used for tripod-mounting the
The default X axis runs parallel to the shoulder
upright, with positive X being in the direction
that the counterweight points (opposite the
direction the "elbow" points.) The default Y axis
runs perpendicular to the shoulder upright, with
positive Y extending straight out from the face
(front) of the tombstone. The Z-axis is up (from
the desktop.)
In most cases the start-up base joint angle will not matter because many 3D applications allow
you to define an origin and X- and Y-axes.
Starting the unit
With the MicroScribe G2 in the home position and all connections (USB cable and input device;
or serial cable, power supply and input device) made press the “Home” button on the back of the
device. The Power-indicator light on the back of the base should illuminate. The color and
frequency of the LED can signal the current state of the MicroScribe. See the System
Connections section for more information on the LED signal.
Loading the software
You are now ready to load whichever software package you plan to use. Do this by following the
instructions provided with the software.
If you plan to use MicroScribe Utility Software, from Immersion Corporation, follow the installation
instructions on the CD that accompanied the MicroScribe.