The Home Position and Digitizing
With everything unpacked, connected, and configured, it is time to activate the system and begin
Checking the Home Position
The MicroScribe G2 needs to be in the
“Home Position” when the “Home” button
is pressed. Otherwise, it may appear that
the unit is inaccurate or non-functional.
The stylus is perpendicular to the surface
on which the MicroScribe rests. The stylus
tip is completely and firmly seated in the
stylus holder. The counterweight is
pressed up against the bottom of the stylus
holder. See Figure 9 for details.
Each time the “Home” button is pressed,
the MicroScribe performs a sort of "self-
calibration". The "Home" position is the
one position that can be consistently
repeated (base joint position aside);
therefore it gives the MicroScribe a
reference point against which all other
points can be measured.
In Figure 9 notice that the stylus is fully
inserted and the counterweight section is
held up against the stylus holder.
Figure 9 - Correct Home Position for the
MicroScribe G2.