Technical documentation
Technical documentation
STESP ed 02/02
3-way valve relay (R3V)
This relay permits powering the motor of the 3-way electric valve (VD).
It is excited by a central-heating request and remains idle with a d.h.w. request.
Control zone unit (CZ)
(optional )
This signal enables the control zone unit to know the operating condition of the
and, if fitted, to recognise the CAR as area 1 room
(see control zone unit operation).
Fan relay (RV)
This single-pole relay commands the fan (MV) which is excited when operation is
Modulation coil (MOD)
This is a D.C. signal that commands the modulation coil of the gas valve.
Permits changing the pressure of the gas to the burner.
Pump relay (RP)
This is a single-pole relay that powers the circulator (MP) and which is excited
when operation is required.
Remote control (CAR)
(external optional)
(see CAR operation)
This signal permits displaying on the remote control panel the boiler temperature,
operation in d.h.w. or central-heating modes, the codes of the alarms that have
tripped and the temperature read by any external probe.
Request relay (RT)
This is a single-pole relay that is excited when the burner has to be ignited.
By means of its contact, the ignition control unit is commanded (IGN. BOARD).
This signal releases the ignition control unit after the overheating or ignition failure
safety devices have tripped.
The operation is performed on the boiler control panel by means of reset button
PU1 or, if fitted, on the remote control panel
(see CAR operation).