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Doc. Revision°:0
Date: 11/01/2021
Technical Manual file.dot
revisione n° 0
data: 24/02/2020
IMET s.r.l.
Via Ronche, 93 33077 Sacile (PN)
Tel. (+39) 04347878
Fax (+39) 0434 737848 P.IVA C.F. e Reg. Impr. PN:01106390931 R.E.A.
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being sought, with the transmitter output power set at the maximum level. Any antenna of the
same type having equal or lesser gain as an antenna that had been successfully tested with the
transmitter, will also be considered approved with the transmitter, and may be used and marketed
with the transmitter. When a measurement at the antenna connector is used to determine RF
output power, the effective gain of the device's antenna shall be stated, based on measurement or
on data from the antenna manufacturer. For transmitters of output power greater than 10 milliwatts,
the total antenna gain shall be added to the measured RF output power to demonstrate compliance
to the specified radiated power limits. Testing of the B014 module was performed with the antenna
types listed in Section 5.2
External Antenna for B014