Starting a system check automatically closes the control software and launches the MiniSeq Service
Software. The service software launches and opens to the Load screen, which is configured to use the
advanced loading option.
Figure 29
Available System Checks
After loading consumables, the Select screen opens, which lists available system checks. Inactive
checkboxes on the Select screen indicate tests that require assistance from an Illumina field representative.
Perform a System Check
From the Manage Instrument screen, select System Check. When prompted to close the control
software, select Yes.
Add 40 ml deionized water to the wash cartridge.
The correct reservoir is equivalent to position #40 on the prefilled reagent cartridge.
Figure 30
Position for Wash Solution
Wash solution
Load the consumables as follows:
Document # 1000000002695 v02 Material # 20014309
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
MiniSeq System Guide