Attaching the Control Ring Gear
(see illustration below)
The supplied Control Ring Gear is attached to the camera control ring by
3 small nylon allen Set Screws. Place the Control Ring Gear over the
camera’s control ring before installing the camera in the housing. The
gear is a “press fit” over the lens and goes on one way with the allen
screws closer to the
camera body than the
end of the lens. Gently
tighten all three allen
screws with the supplied
Allen Wrench as show in
the Diagram.
Do not
overtighten or you will
damage the gear. Make
sure to test it’s function
once installed.
When installing the camera in the housing, make sure that the Control
Ring Gear meshes properly with the small black housing gear.
Camera functions can be assigned to the Control Ring by pressing the
Ring Function button. Depress the Ring Function button until the
desired function is highlighted in the camera LCD screen. Once the
function is highlighted, it can be adjusted using the Control Ring.
Refer to your camera owner’s manual for additional information.
To use the camera in Manual mode, rotate the Mode Dial to “Tv” and set
the shutter speed. Then, rotate the Mode Dial to “M” Manual Mode.
Press the Ring Function repeatedly until it is set to “STD.” Then, use the
Control Ring to adjust Aperture setting as needed.
Control Ring Gear
(properly installed)
Setup Notes
Set Screw