UNO Drum
6 – The Arpeggiator
6 – Presets
UNO Drum can store Kits and Patterns, up to 100 preset each.
A KIT is the possibility to save the composition of types of sounds and relative parameters.
A PATTERN is the possibility to save the group of elements patterns.
To store a preset hold KIT or PRESET then select the desired preset slot with the DATA ENCODER and then
press KIT or PRESET again to store it.
NOTE: The DEMO it is the perfect way to discover the powerful feature of the UNO Drum simply by listening. To
activate the demo, press LENGTH and ALT simultaneously.
6.1 – Loading a KIT or a PATTERN
Every time the UNO Drum is powered, the last KIT or PATTER selected is loaded.
To select other KITs or PATTERNs, simply press the KIT or PATTERN button and use the data encoder to load
the desired KIT or PATTERN.
6.2 – Store a KIT or a PATTERN
After the KIT or the Pattern has been modified and the desired sound is reached, it is possible to save them as
presets in the slots 1 through 100.
To save a KIT, hold the KIT button for 1.5 seconds until the preset number blinks on the display.
To overwrite the current preset, simply press KIT again, and the display will show “SAV” and the preset number
will stop blinking.
To store the KIT in another slot, select the new slot with the data encoder, then press the KIT again.
To save a PATTERN follow the above instruction but using the PATTERN button instead of the KIT.
6.3 – Factory Presets
UNO Drum comes with a collection of 100 ready-to-use Kit and 100 ready-to-use Patterns to inspire your