UNO Drum
4 – Front panel interface
the clear button is the way to delete what has been programmed or recorded on the sequencer. It is
possible to delete a steps parameter recording, a pattern, an element parameter setting, an entire kit, or a chain.
• To clear the parameters on a step, hold CLEAR and press the desired step.
• To clear an element pattern, hold CLEAR and double-tap the element you want to clear. To clear all the
element patterns, hold CLEAR and press PATTERN.
• To Clear the element parameters stored in a kit and reset it to its default stage, select the element you want
to reset, hold CLEAR and press SOUND.
• To Clear or reset a KIT, load the desired kit and hold CLEAR and press SELECT ALL. All sound will be set
to 1 and parameters to their relative defaults.
• To Clear the SONG, hold CLEAR and press SONG.
• To Clear the COPY/PASTE buffer, hold CLEAR and press COPY/PASTE.
• To Recall a KIT after it has been hardly modified, press SELECT ALL and then hold CLEAR and press KIT.
On the center of this section we have the PADS, used to play the elements live and select them.
Each pad is divided in 2, which are the 2 velocity level available for each pad to be live played and give a more
realistic feeling. HIGH Velocity is 127 and LOW velocity is 100.
The pad velocity split is OFF by default and will output velocity 127.
The selection of an element is made every time a pad is pressed in any of the 2 velocity pats.
The bottom row of 16 buttons is where the sequencer is located, composed by the 16 step buttons.
When an element is selected, the LEDs will show element, pattern, and the transport moving. Pressing a step
will insert the element on that step. To remove it simply press it again.
When an element is selected and the REC button is lit, it is also possible to save parameters in that step.
On the right, there are 3 elements - STUTTER, ROLL and PAGE.
MIDI Effect - the stutter is a global effect, meaning that it affects all the elements. The button on the
right activates the stutter. Its effect is momentary and its parameters are set on the FX row.
MIDI Effect - the roll effects is an Element effect, meaning that affect only the selected element or
elements. The rolls effect consists of repeating the elements in loop from when the button is pressed until it
is released. It is possible to change the roll type up to 4 types: roll 8th note, 8th-note triplets, 16thnote, and
32ndnote. After the first rolls, other 4 types called FILLS will be selected. To select a roll type, turn the DATA
ENCODER while holding the ROLL button. The roll effect is affected but the Swing amount.
(right pointing arrow): When the pattern length is different from 16, the page button gives the possibility
to visualize steps from 17 to 32 on page 2, 33 to 48 on page 3, and 49 to 64 on page 4. The LED showing the
relative page will light accordingly to the selection.