The Safe Spacer pane lets you manage all your device at a glance. It is divided into 3 tabs:
Device List: On the left, the device list shows you all the registered
devices. Each device displays a serial number, firmware version,
last sync date and status icons. The status icons tell if a device is
compliant (green icon), non-compliant (yellow icon) or at risk (red
icon) in a period of time of your choice that you can select from
the dropdown menu above the graphics. “Compliant” means the
device is respecting the default security distance of 2 meters (6.6
feet), “non-compliant” means the device crossed the threshold of
2 meters and it is not in a safe area anymore, while “at risk” means
the device is in a risk position, closer than 1.2 meters (3.9 feet). It
is also possible to filter the device list “by status” or simply use the
sorting options to re-arrange the list. In addition, if you want to flash
the synced devices to make them recognizable, just click on the
blinking icon positioned on top of the device list.
Charts: On top of the Safe Spacer pane, 3 charts display the Compliant, Non-Compliant and At-Risk
devices on a graphic timeline. You can set a time scale and choose from: last 24 hours, last 7 days and
last 14 days. The selected time scale will affect the charts and the device list on the left of the interface.
On top of each chart, the number of compliant, non-compliant and at-risk devices based on the selected
time scale is shown.
Interaction Pane: On the device list, click on a device and the Interaction Pane will appear at the center
of the interface. From here you can see the list of interactions between the selected device and all the
other registered devices. You can set the arrangement of the list by:
“Interactions with”, “Last interaction”, “Number of interactions”, “Minimum Distance” and “Interaction