Draco tera
Pos: 126 /806-IHSE/Betrieb/Ein- und Ausschaltfunktionen/480-xx/Factory Reset @ 7\mod_1309941081774_6.doc @ 53638 @ 3 @ 1
6.9.2 Factory Reset
You have the following option to perform a reset of the system:
If you perform a (factory) reset, all current settings and all configurations
stored in the matrix will be lost. This also applies to the network
parameters (reset to DHCP) and the admin password.
If a firmware update has been installed since the delivery, the matrix will
be set to the state defined there.
1. Select
Configuration > Factory Reset
in the main menu.
2. Confirm the selection with the
The matrix will be reset to factory settings.
Pos: 127 /806-IHSE/Betrieb/Ein- und Ausschaltfunktionen/480-xx/480_Ausschalten @ 7\mod_1310646450471_6.doc @ 54300 @ 3 @ 1
6.9.3 Power Down
You have the following option to perform a shut down of the system or
single components:
In order to shut down the system, proceed as follows:
1. Select
Configuration > Shut down Matrix
in the main menu.
2. Confirm the selection with the
The matrix will be shut down.
In order to shut down an I/O board, proceed as follows:
1. Select
Configuration > Shut Down IO Board
in the main menu.
2. Confirm the selection with the
The I/O board will be shut down.
Pos: 128 /806-IHSE/Betrieb/480_Zusammenfassung Tastaturkommandos/480_Zusammenfassung Tastatur Kommandos @ 9\mod_1360601486169_6.doc @ 71092 @ 2 @ 1