EXA 500 Repair Manual.
Basic Remarks:
The camera under repair is placed with the lens mount 300.21 U 6 to the front, i.e. in the photograph
taking direction.
Right: Side with wind-lever 370.63 U 7.
Left: Side with time-setting ring 370.61 U 4 with Hülse [?].
All screws and nuts have right-hand threads. Never use force! All screws secured with lacquer are to
be so secured on assembly.
A. Disassembly of camera.
1. Take off the back cover 370.20.
a) Remove the take-up spool 370.09.
2. Remove the top-plate 370.61 U1.
a) Set the time-setting ring to ½ sec.
b) Remove glued-in cover disc (black) 750-000.37 (note position of index mark).
c) Hold the frame-counter disc 370.41-25 and with the special tool remove the screw 370.41-
42 for the frame-counter disc.
d) Withdraw the frame-counter disc, noting any washers.
e) Remove circlip 4 DIN 6799, and take off shim 370.01-79 (as many as present). Unscrew the
3 fixing screws M1.4 x 3 DIN 63 for the wind-lever 370.63 U 7. Take off the wind-lever
(complete with film-type ring 750-713.02, cover-ring 750-713.01 and spring shim 370.41-
27). Note the position of the wind-lever relative to the Schaltsegment 370.53 U 1 [the
turning part on the camera] and the shim 750-713.04.
f) Remove the spool-retaining spring 300.15 U 12 from the rewind sleeve 750-000.02, and
unscrew the sleeve[centre screw] (pay attention to compression spring 370.01-90, shim
370.01-87/2 and spacer 370.01-69). Pull out the rewind spindle.
g) Remove the circlip 370.04-48 for the time-setting disc with sleeve 370.61 U 4, and the
spring washer 370.04-45. Remove the time-setting disc with sleeve.
h) Undo the 4 fixing screws 350.21-32 for the top-plate, withdraw the lever for the shutter lock
750-012.00 with shim, and take off the top-plate.
i) Fit again the wind-lever with 3 screws, shim and circlip.
3. Removal of mechanism 370.63.
a) Remove the 2 screws M1.7x8 DIN 84 in each film chamber.
b) Lift out the mechanism from the body-shell 370.48.
B. Assembly of camera.
1. Insertion of mechanism 370.63.
As under Disassembly of Camera A3 but in reverse order, engaging with the pinion on the
sprocket-spindle 370.51-4. Check for correct functioning (including flash contact).