The camera system can be used to capture scans that will appear outside of a floor plan. This
is typically done to document interesting features outside the property like the exterior
appearance, landscaping, pools, patios, decks, etc, or to document common areas in a
condominium or apartment building. There is no limit to the number of exterior scans and their
distance from the building.
Figure 6. Exterior pano is highlighted in green.
The preferred way to align these scans is to position their data in the appropriate position
relative to the rest of the data captured from the interior of the structure (see figure 6). When
drafted, the scans will be placed in their approximate positions.
The scans can also be captured on a separate floor named “Common Areas” or “Exteriors.”
This will result in the scans being displayed in the iGUIDE on a separate floor, accessible from
the floor selector, that has thumbnails instead of a floor plan for navigation.