alignment only and is not required for drafting. To use automatic mapping mode follow the steps
Switch to the Survey tab.
Turn the Laser on.
Maximize the map view (tap on the resize icon in the upper right corner of the view).
Tap the Mode button to set the mode to AutoMap if the camera is in Track mode.
Start walking slowly and steadily and observe the map as it grows. Map the whole floor.
Once you mapped the whole floor, switch the camera to Track mode and proceed to shooting
panoramas. In Track mode the camera will only track its position on an existing map and should not
have to use the Move Pano operation.
It is possible to both map space and shoot panoramas in AutoMap mode while moving through
space without switching to Track mode. For more complicated spaces or if you find that mapping
errors occur frequently, it will be best to first concentrate all attention on mapping in AutoMap
mode and then switch to Track mode and do a second pass through the space concentrating on
shooting panoramas.
Automatic Mapping Tips
What you see in the map view is called occupancy probability map. White pixels indicate high
probability of the space being occupied - walls will be white. Black pixels indicate high probability
of the space being unoccupied – space without walls or other objects will be black. Grey pixels have
50-50 chance of being occupied or free and initially all map pixels are grey. In Map mode, as you
walk around and the laser scanner probes the space,and pixel probabilities are constantly updated.
The camera tries to match each new scan with the existing map. If matching succeeds, the current
scan is shown in green color. The map is then updated with the current scan provided the camera
moved or rotated enough since the last map update. Red scan color means it could not be matched
and the map will not be updated.
Below are important things to consider and keep in mind when mapping space:
You can pan and pinch-zoom the map view.
Avoid fast or sudden rotation of the camera.
That is the main cause for mapping errors.
When walking through doors, move slower to give camera time to build a more reliable map of new
space beyond the doors as you are entering that space. If you walk too fast, the may map build
incorrectly, "bending" to one side.
When the current scan turns red, try taking few steps back to the last location where it was green.