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Other Features

Power-Savings Features

Display Off

When using the iGen connected to an external recording device, and you do not
need to view the scene through the eyepiece, you may turn the display off. This
will greatly improve battery life.

To turn the display off, choose “Display”, then “On-Off”. When you toggle down
to the “Off” setting, the display will immediately turn off. After the display turns
off, you must then push the 3-way switch up to save this setting. If you do not
accept the off-setting by pushing up after the display turns off, the display will
turn back on after ten seconds.

To turn the display back on, turn power off and then turn power back on with
the On/Off Button.


The menu selection “Auto Off” allows you to program the time interval after
which the device, or the IR, automatically turns off. Each user input (press of a
button) resets the auto-off timer.

Time selections are 1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,30,45 minutes and OFF.
The OFF setting disables the auto-off power down feature.
To save the setting, remember to push the 3-way switch up after selection.

The infrared and operating power-down timers are set separately. If the IR
auto-off time is less than the main time, the IR will shut off first, and the device
will then power off after the main time has elapsed.

Daytime Use

To use in daylight conditions, leave the lens cap attached and operate at low gain settings

Tripod Adaptor

The tripod fitting is located on the underside of the device, and fits to all standard tripod
mounts with a fitting size of 1/4 - 20.

Tripod mount is recommended for exposures of less than 10fps for image stabilization.




he iGen Night Vision Viewer is the leading edge of the new tubeless

night vision technology. Traditional night vision devices employ

electron bombardment vacuum tube technology to amplify ambient

light. iGen technology uses image processing techniques, special optics, and

low-light sensing technology to bring night vision into the digital age.

The iGen advantage is:

• Better image quality with high, 30-line-pair per millimeter, edge-to-edge display


• Better image quality with no image distortion from photocathode or

phosphorescent screen blemishes

• Easier diopter focusing
• Two-times the sensitivity to infrared light, useful in total darkness with the aid of

the infrared emitter

• Intelligent infrared emitter. Microprocessor automatically adjusts infrared intensity

and electronic gain to optimize image to changing ambient light conditions.

• Undistorted infrared emitter – bright clear scene illumination with no dark spots

and no uneven light patterns

• Ambient light amplification capability higher than Generation-1 technology at

default exposure. Light amplification capability superior to Generation-2 with the
use of exposure control.

• Easy-connect image capture capability through composite video output
• Programmability
• Bright-light see-through capability. No bright-spot blooming or halo-effect typical

with conventional night vision.

• More robust. No risk of damage from bright light exposure. No fragile vacuum



Requires 4 AA alkaline batteries

Typical battery life from one set of batteries is 4.5 hours in continuous use, or 2.3 hours in
continuous use with the infrared emitter at maximum intensity.
To improve battery life, reduce brightness or program the auto-off feature to cause the device
to automatically shut down after specified intervals.

