'Default Agency'
Enter your company name here. This value is placed into
every RINEX file that is exported. You can override this value
on a file-by-file basis.
'Default Operator'
Enter the default name of the operator here. This value is
placed into every RINEX file that is exported. You can
override this value on a file-by-file basis.
'Receiver Model'
(Hidden when Simple)
The value that you enter here is placed into every RINEX file
that is exported. The correct / default value for the X90-
OPUS receiver is:
which is listed in the IGS table:
Clicking the ‘Default’ button restores the default value.
Note: if you use the ‘PPP Service’ = ‘RTX (CenterPoint)’ the
submitted RINEX spoofs a ‘TRIMBLE R7’ receiver.
'Antenna Name'
(Hidden when Simple)
The antenna name is placed into every RINEX files that is
exported and is preloaded when submitting observations to
online services. The official NGS name for the X90-OPUS
receiver is: