'Archive All Projects'
(Hidden when Simple)
Pressing the 'Archive' button to the right of the Base Project
Folder entry will backup every occupation in every project to
a single ZIP file.
This is handy if you want to move all of your data to another
computer or make regular disaster backups.
There are similar Archive buttons on the main page: one
archives the current occupation and the other archives the
current project.
The download tool does not provide a method to restore
these backups, however they are standard ZIP files and the
Windows operating system does include a tool to
decompress them.
'GPS Mounts on Drive'
This is the drive letter that the GPS receiver was last found
on. Don't worry if the drive letter changes, the program will
automatically find the receiver when you download data.
If you want to verify that the GPS receiver is connected and
has successfully mounted as a drive, press 'Find GPS'.
Note: If you manually delete every single file and folder
from the GPS receiver, the program won't be able to
automatically find the receiver until after the GPS has
recorded at least one file.
‘Minimum File Size to Transfer’
(Hidden when Simple)
Every time you turn on the GPS receiver, it will attempt to
track satellites and open a new occupation file. Often