4.1 Processing of the measured signals
The unit generates 2 output signals according to the parameter settings:
OUT1/IO-Link: 4 selection options
Parameter setting
-Switching signal for volumetric flow quantity limit
-Pulse signal for quantity meter
-Switching signal for preset counter
-Switching signal for direction of flow
OUT2: 6 selection options
Parameter setting
-Switching signal for volumetric flow quantity limit
-Switching signal for temperature limit
-Analogue signal for volumetric flow quantity
-Analogue signal for temperature
-Switching signal for direction of flow
-Input for external counter reset signal (InD)
4.2 Direction of flow
In addition to the flow velocity and the volumetric flow quantity, the unit also de-
tects the direction of flow�
4.2.1 Determination of the direction of flow (Fdir)
An arrow with the text "flow direction" on the unit indicates the positive flow direc-
tion� The flow direction can be inversed
Use the supplied label to mark the changed flow direction (new positive
direction of flow)�
Process value display
corresponds to the marked flow direction
+ (positive)
against the marked flow direction
- (negative)