Output Module CR2011
EMCY Code Error Reg Additional
bit coded
""Device Specific"
- The output current could not be achieved because the load
resistor is too high/small
0000 0001 channel pair 1, 2 load resistor is too high
0000 0010 channel pair 3, 4 load resistor is too high
0000 0100 channel pair 5, 6 load resistor is too high
0000 1000 channel pair 7, 8 load resistor is too high
0001 0000 channel pair 1, 2 load resistor is too small
0010 0000 channel pair 3, 4 load resistor is too small
0100 0000 channel pair 5, 6 load resistor is too small
1000 0000 channel pair 7, 8 load resistor is too small
Only the first error of an error group is indicated�
If there is for example an error "load resistor is too high" on channel pair 1/2 and
then on channel pair 3/4, only the error which occured first is signalled�
CANopen does not allow to send two identical EMCY objects one after the other�
13 Maintenance, repair and disposal
As the input/output module does not contain any components which must be
maintained by the user, the housing must not be opened� The maintenance of the
module may only be carried out by the manufacturer�
The disposal must be carried out according to the corresponding national environ-
mental regulations�
14 Declaration of conformity
The CE Declaration of Conformity is available at: www�ifm�com
15 Terms and abbreviations
0b ���
binary value (for bit coding), e�g� 0b0001 0000
0d ���
decimal value, e�g� 0d100
0x ���
hexadecimal value, e�g� 0x64 (= 100 decimal)
transmission speed (1 baud = 1 bit/s)
CAN Application Layer
CAN-based network protocol on application level
Controller Area Network (bus system for use in mobile applications)
CAN-High; CAN connection /cable with high voltage level
CAN-Low; CAN connection /cable with low voltage level
CAN-based network protocol on application level with an open configuration
interface (object directory)