Programming Manual BasicDisplay CR0452 v03.02
05 / 2018
System description
Software description
Drawing area
The left upper corner marks the home position (0,0) of the virtual and physical drawing area.
Virtual drawing area (X/Y coordinates) = -32768...+32767
(enlarges the physical drawing area)
All objects including their outer dimensions must be within the borders of the virtual drawing area
even after scaling or shifting!
Otherwise the visualisation will not be correct any more.
Elements in the virtual drawing area are not calculated.
The smallest font size which is clearly visible on the device is 11 point.
Permissible fonts:
- Arial (standard)
- Lucida Console
Permissible font size [Pixel] and font weight:
- Arial: 11 (standard), 16, 24, 32 (all only normal)
- Lucida Console: 16, 24, 48*) (all only normal)
*) Lucida Console in the font size 48 only has the following characters:
- numbers 0 to 9
- special char - . : %
- space.
Permissible effects:
- none (standard)
The following text scripts are ignored:
- Western
- Hebrew
- Arabic
- Greek
- Turkish
- Baltic
- Central European
- Cyrillic
- Vietnamese