Programming Manual BasicDisplay CR0452 v03.02
05 / 2018
Terms and abbreviations
Pictograms are figurative symbols which convey information by a simplified graphic representation.
→ chapter
What do the symbols and formats mean?
PID controller
The PID controller (proportional
–integral–derivative controller) consists of the following parts:
• P = proportional part
• I = integral part
• D = differential part (but not for the controller CR04nn, CR253n).
PLC configuration
Part of the CODESYS user interface.
► The programmer tells the programming system which hardware is to be programmed.
CODESYS loads the corresponding libraries.
Reading and writing the periphery states (inputs/outputs) is possible.
Operating status of a CANopen participant. After application of the supply voltage each participant
automatically passes into this state. In the CANopen network only
→SDOs and →NMT commands
can be transferred in this mode but no process data.
Process image
Process image is the status of the inputs and outputs the PLC operates with within one
At the beginning of the cycle the PLC reads the conditions of all inputs into the process image.
During the cycle the PLC cannot detect changes to the inputs.
During the cycle the outputs are only changed virtually (in the process image).
At the end of the cycle the PLC writes the virtual output states to the real outputs.
PWM = pulse width modulation
The PWM output signal is a pulsed signal between GND and supply voltage.
Within a defined period (PWM frequency) the mark-to-space ratio is varied. Depending on the
mark-to-space ratio, the connected load determines the corresponding RMS current.
Measurements can also be performed ratiometrically. If the output signal of a sensor is proportional to
its suppy voltage then via ratiometric measurement (= measurement proportional to the supply) the
influence of the supply's fluctuation can be reduced, in ideal case it can be eliminated.
→ analogue input