IO-Link Master with IoT Interface CabinetLine 8 Ports IP 20
Read device and diagnostic information
The AL1950 has an integrated web server. The component provides device and diagnostic information
of the IO-Link master and the connected IO-Link devices.
Connect laptop/PC and AL1950 via the Ethernet interface.
Start web browser.
Enter the IP address of the AL1950 into the address field of the browser and confirm with [ENTER].
Web browser shows the web interface of the device.
The page shows the following data:
Table with connected IO-Link devices
Number of the IO-Link port
Operating mode of the IO-Link port
[Comm. Mode]
Baud rate of the IO-Link port
Cycle time
[Vendor ID]
IO-Link ID of the manufacturer of the IO-Link device
[Device ID]
IO-Link ID of the IO-Link device
Article number of the IO-Link device
For ifm articles: This article number is stored along with a link to the product page on
the ifm website.
Serial number of the IO-Link device
Diagnostic information of the device
Current (in mA)
Voltage (in mV)
[Short Circuit]
Number of detected short circuits
Number of overvoltages
Number of undervoltages
Device temperature (in °C)
Version information of the installed firmware components
Firmware version
Version of the firmware container
[Bootloader Version]
Version of the bootloader
[Fieldbus Firmware]
Version of the IoT core firmware