5.3 Version AC904S (guard locking by solenoid force)
Use only in special cases after a strict assessment of the risk of accident�
In the event of interruption of the solenoid power supply the safety guard can be
opened immediately!
The locking bolt is electromagnetically held in locked position and released by
spring force� The guard locking operates normally open�
For process protection switch the interlocking solenoid by software via the
AS-Interface output bit D0�
Close the safety guard and activate the guard locking�
Insert the actuator into the safety switch�
> The locking bolt is released�
> The door monitoring contact closes�
-AC903S: The locking bolt passes into the locked position by spring force�
-AC904S: The locking bolt passes into the locked position by applying the
operating voltage of the solenoid�
> The safety contacts close�
> The whole safety code sequence (8 x 4 bits) is transmitted via the AS-Interface
input bits D0 to D3�
Deactivate the guard locking and open the safety guard�
Apply the operating voltage of the solenoid and release the guard locking via
the AS-Interface output bit D0�
> The guard locking is deactivated, the solenoid monitoring contact ÜK opens�
The value pair 0, 0 is transmitted in every bus cycle via the AS-Interface input
bits D2 and D3�
Remove the actuator�
> The door monitoring contact SK is positively opened and the guard locking is
blocked in this position (protection against unintentional closing)� The values 0,
0, 0, 0 are continuously transmitted via the AS-Interface input bits D0 to D3�