► Select [FL1] ��� [FL4] and set the lower limit of the acceptable range�
FLx is always lower than FHx� The unit only accepts values which are lower
than the value for FHx�
10.6.4 Setting of the switch-off delay
► Select [dr1 ] ��� [dr4] and set the value between 0�2 and 60 s� At 0�0 (=
factory setting) the delay time is not active�
The switch-off delay is only active if hysteresis has been set as switching
function (OUx = Hno or Hnc)�
10.6.5 Response of the outputs in case of a fault
► Select [FOU1] ��� [FOU4] and set the value:
[on] = output switches in case of a fault�
[OFF] = output switches off in case of a fault�
Factory setting: [FOU1] ��� [FOU4] = [OFF]�
Faults: faulty hardware, too low a signal quality, untypical
level curve� Overflow is not considered to be a fault�
10.6.6 Setting of the delay time after signal loss
► Select [dFo] and set the value between 0�2 and 5�0 s�
At 0�0 (= factory setting) the delay time is not active�
Mind the dynamics of your application� In case of fast level changes it is
recommended to adapt the value step by step�
10.7 Reset all parameters to factory setting
► Select [rES], then press [Set] and keep it pressed until [----] is displayed�
► Press [Mode/Enter] briefly�
> The unit reboots and the factory settings are restored�
Note: On delivery the unit is not operational� You first must enter the value
for the probe length (→ 10.2).