Sensore di temperatura convenzionale mod. IE 326H-2L - MANUALE TECNICO -
Conventional temperature detector mod. IE 326H-2L - TECHNICAL MANUAL -
Edizione Giugno 2012 rev. Novembre 2014 - Edition June 2012 rev. November 2014
Le informazioni e le caratteristiche di prodotto non sono impegnative e potranno essere modificate senza preavviso.
Product specifications as described above do not bind the manufacturer and may be altered without prior notice.
warning of fires resulting from dangerous behaviour (e.g.: smoking in bed, inadequate fire protection practices, violent
explosions, excaping gas, improper storage of flammable liquids, or other safety hazards).
Heat detectors will not detect smoke, gas, flames, or combustion particles. Heat detectors are components in profes-
sionally installed fire alarm systems.
The recommended detector maintenance consists of an regular cleaning of the detector head by using a vacuum clea-
ner. Maintenance operation depends on ambient conditions and should be carried out in compliance with the laws in force
in the country where the product is installed.
They should be tested and maintained following the instructions in this manual. To be safe, they should be replaced
after they have been installed for ten years.
Do not disassemble sensor head or any other parts. This will void product warranty.
11.1 Base installation
If you use a jumper wire to connect the poles of terminal 2 and
5 when testing the detector line continuity, be sure to remove the
jumper wire prior to the installation of the detector head. The end-
of-line device should be compatible with the control unit.
Open area heat detectors are intended for mounting on a ceiling
or a wall in accordance with the fire standard in your country.
Heat detector base can be mounted directly onto an electrical
junction box such as an octagonal one (75mm, 90mm, or 100mm),
a round one (75mm), or a square one (100mm) without using any
type of mechanical adapter.
11.2 Head installation
- Align the components as shown below.
- Match the detector head to the base and twist it clock-
wise to secure it.
- Do not install the detector head until the area is thor-
oughly cleaned of construction debris, dusts, etc.
- The maximum number of heat detector installed over the same line is 32 units.
11.3 Operational test
All the alarm signal services, releasing devices and the extinguisher system should be disengaged during
the test procedure and rnust be re-engaged irnmediately after the conclusion of testing. After energizing the
detector head for approximately one minute, check to see if the red LED indicator flashes once every 4-6 se-
conds. If LED fails to flash, it indicates the non-functioning of the detector or faulty wiring. Re-check the wiring
or replace the detector if necessary. The detector to be tested should be subject to a flow of warm air at a tem-
perature between 65°C and 80°C. (This requirement can be met by some domestic hair dryers).
Procedure step-by-step:
- Switch on the warm airflow and check that temperature is correct and stable.
- From a distance of several inches, direct the airflow at the guard protecting the thermistor. The detector
should alarm within 30 seconds.
- Upon alarm immediately remove the heat source and check that the red LED of the detector is illuminated.
- Reset the detector from the control panel.
- If detector fails to trigger, it may be too insensitive. Return it to the distributor for servicing.
- After testing, check that the system is set for normal operation and notify the appropriate authorities that
the testing operation is complete and the system is active.
11.1. Base installation 8
11.2. Head installation 8
11.3. Operational test 8