Programming Mode :
- Setting the following ports on default value
OnBoard FDC : Enable
OnChip IDE : Enable
Serial Port1 : 3F8H
Serial Port2 : 2F8H
Parallel Port : 378H
- customers choose the following ports‘ optional
OnBoard FDC : Enable/Disable
OnChip IDE : Enable/Disable
Serial Port1 : Disable/3F8H/3E8H/2E8H
Serial Port2 : Disable/2F8H/3E8H/2E8H
Parallel Port : Disable/3BCH/378H/278H
4.6 Power Management Setup
Power Management Setup help user handles the PSC-586VGA
board‘s “green” function. The features could shut down the video
display and hard disk to save energy for example. The power
management setup screen is as following,