System Keyboard :
- Will check or not check the keyboard exist
when power on system.
Primary Display :
- Will not check display card when power on system.
VGA/EGA,CGA40x25,CGA80x25,or Mono
- Options for
different display device.
Mouse Support :
- Turn on the PS/2 mouse function.
When use the PS/2 mouse will use the IRQ12.
Video Shadow C000,32K:
- Will increase the video speed.
Shadow C8000-CFFFF,D0000-D7FFF,& D8000-DFFFF :
When the installed add-on card‘s ROM address is as
above address,you could enable the shadow to get higher
operation performance.When you enable the shadow
function,it will also reduce the memory available by between
640KB and 1024KB.
4.4 Chipset Setup
This setup functions are almostly working for ChipSet(ALI
M1511/M1512/M1513). These options are used to change the
ChipSet‘s registers. Please carefully change any default setting
,otherwise the system could be running un-stable.