Auto-Detect Hard Disks:
Selecting these options allow the user to configure the drive named
in the option. Select Auto-Detect Hard Disks to allow AMIBIOS to
automatically configure the drive. Below is the list of drive
parameters appears on the screen:
Change User Password:
Change the user password.
Change Supervisor Password:
Change the supervisor password.
Auto Configuration with Optimal Settings:
Load configuration settings that ensure the highest performance.
Auto Configuration with Fail Safe Settings:
Load fails-afe configuration settings.
Save Settings and Exit:
Write the current settings to CMOS and exit.
Exit Without Saving:
Exit without saving the current settings.
©2001 American Megatrends, Inc. All Rights Reserved
NOVA-7810 V 1.0 (02/11/2003)
Standard CMOS Setup
Advanced CMOS Setup
Advanced Chipset Setup
Power Management Setup
PCI / Plug and Play Setup
Peripheral Setup
Hardware Monitor Setup
Auto-Detect Hard Disks
Change User Password
Change Supervisor Password
Auto Configuration with Optimal Settings
Auto Configuration with Fail Safe Settings
Save Settings and Exit
Exit Without Saving
Standard CMOS Setup for changing time, date, hard disk type, etc.
ESC: Exit
: Sel F2/F3: Color F10: Save & Exit
Figure 1: Main Menu