Modular Hi-Rise Replacement Series – MIY
SECTION TWO — Product Line Specific Demolition & Installation, Cont’d.
14. Demolition complete.
NOTE: Any fireproofing requirements where
risers or piping penetrate floors or walls
are the responsibility of the installer.
This work should be done only after
all pressure testing is completed.
The fireproofing method used must
accommodate pipe expansion and
contraction and the piping must be
protected from abrasion and chemical
attack. The pipe insulation also must
be maintained to prevent sweating and
must be protected from wear or erosion
at the joint between the insulation and
the fireproofing material.
NOTE: Flare fittings are factory provided to
allow connection between the ball valve
and the hoses.
1. Verify that power has NOT been restored to the
2. Remove the acoustical RA block-off panel that
has the wiring diagram, and set to the side.
3. Verify that the new slide-in chassis circuit breaker
(unit disconnect switch) is in the “OFF” position
4. Verify that any isolation and/or flow control valves
will fit in the new chassis’ preconfigured riser slots
5. Remove the loose, perforated, riser insulation pad
from the unit. Unscrew and remove the corner
brace and riser access plate from the inside-rear
of the new chassis cabinet, if present. These
must be removed to slide chassis over existing
riser stub-outs. Do not discard these items, as
they will need to be used/replaced later in the
installation process.
6. Verify that the existing riser stub-outs location
matches the riser-entry cut-out section of the new
unit (appropriate height and side/orientation).
7. Thoroughly check the old unit chassis and
drywall cuts for any irregularities or protrusions
that would prevent the new unit from sliding in,
seating, and properly leveled.
8. Attach the louvered, deco panel frame onto the
new slip-in replacement chassis. Be sure to
remove the lower shipping brace (bar) from the
deco frame before it is installed.
9. Align new slip-in unit with wall cavity and slide
partially into place.
10. Route electrical conduit into slip-in through top or
side, as appropriate for your application. Continue
to make sure that this conduit does not become
pinched or otherwise compromised, while sliding
the new chassis into the old cabinet.
11. Carefully slide the new slip-in chassis, fully into
the old cabinet. The deco panel frame should
rest flush against the drywall surface around
the cutout. It may be necessary to shim the new
chassis to properly level it within the old cabinet.
12. Anchor the new chassis cabinet to existing
cabinet with sheet metal screws, from inside new
cabinet. Anchoring through the rear side of the
cabinet helps to draw the louvered, deco panel
frame and drywall together.
13. Re-install the corner brace and riser access plate,
if removal was necessary in step 5. These items
allow for pass-through of the existing riser stub-
outs, and give the unit added support.
14. Remove backing from perforated riser insulation
panel, and apply the sticky side to the inside wall
of the new chassis, sealing around the riser stub-
out penetrations. The pad prevents excessive air
leakage into the riser chase.
15. Solder hose adapters, isolation or combo valves
to the existing return and supply piping stubs. If
combo valves are used, first verify that the correct
valve is being used for that specific unit and
supply/return stub-out.