To remove diaphragms, slit diaphragm with a sharp knife and pull the
diaphragms from the grooves. (Do not pry on diaphragm seal groove, as this
will damage the sealing surface.)
Unscrew push plate from the shaft in a counter-clockwise direction. Pull
other push plate and shaft from pump body.
Following disassembly, parts should be thoroughly washed to
be free from chemical residue for handling purposes.
4.7.a Body Disassembly
Remove (2 each) check plugs and seal on top of pump body using 3/4” pin
Remove discharge sleeve using sleeve removal tool.
Remove PTFE ball and O-ring.
Remove suction sleeve using sleeve removal tool.
Remove second set of O-rings and balls.
Remove shaft seals from pump shaft seal groove in the center of the shaft
bore using the tip of a razor knife. Take care not to damage the shaft bore.
NOTE: Do not reuse seals.
Remove damper plug and seal using 3/4” pin tool.
4.7.b Head Disassembly
Unscrew and remove pilot seat using 3/4” pin tool. Remove pilot.
4.7.c Master Head Disassembly
Unscrew and remove muffler assembly from head
using the 3/4” pin tool.
Unscrew and remove the shuttle cap and seal.
Remove spool assembly from shuttle bore.
Remove detent legs and detent ring from spool.
Do not remove the shuttle sleeve from the shuttle bore.
Remove muffler assembly.
4.7.d Pump Cleaning
Gently spray clean with DI water, or rinse by dunking all components in DI
water, to remove any trace materials remaining after disassembly.
Prior to beginning assembly, inspect all parts to ensure they are clean and dry.
Wear clean protective gloves. Precautions should be exercised to prevent
contaminating any of the air chamber surfaces with chemicals during handling.