A Unit of Idex Corporation
This FAST & FLUID MANAGEMENT Srl Digital Hercules represents the very latest in High Speed Paint mixing technology. As a
result, your FAST & FLUID MANAGEMENT Srl Digital Hercules is a rugged and reliable mixer which performance and design
exhibits the qualities of a strong and sturdy engineering product.
To fully appreciate and protect your investment, we suggest that you take the necessary time to read and fully understand this
As, always, FAST & FLUID MANAGEMENT Srl stands behind your unit with a one year limited warranty, and a dedicated service
The few maintenance operations as mentioned in this manual need to be carried out on a regular bases.
FAST & FLUID MANAGEMENT Srl shall not be liable for any damage or injury
incurred by non-compliance with these regulations, or by not taking the usual and
accepted precautions in handling, operation or repair, even if not expressly stated
in this manual.
The information contained in this manual is property of FAST & FLUID MANAGEMENT Srl. This manual has been prepared
expressly for the purpose of assisting in the use and general maintenance of this equipment.
Publication of this information does not imply any right to reproduce
or use this manual for purposes other than installing, operating, or maintaining this equipment.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or
computer language, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of an officer of FAST & FLUID
EN 292 Part 1 and 2: 1991
Safety of Machinery –Basic concepts, general principles for design
EN 418: 1992
Safety of Machinery – Emergency stop equipment, functional aspects
EN 60204 Part 1: 1997
Safety of Machinery - . Electrical equipment of machines.- Specifications for general
EN 954 – 1: 1996
Safety of machinery – Safety related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles
for design
EN 1088: 1995
Safety of machinery – Interlocking devices associated with guards
EN 294: 1992
Safety of machinery – Safety distances to prevent ranger zones being reached by the
upper limbs.
EN 953: 1997
Safety of machines - Guards – General requirements for the design and construction of
fixed and movable guards.
PrEN 12757-1
Mixing machinery for coating materials
Maximum level of noise = 55dB(A)
Stirring velocity = 100rpm e 200rpm
Machine dimensions: 820mm (W) 990mm (H) 710mm (D) 195Kg (W)
Packaging machine dimensions: 855mm (W) x 825mm (D) x 1140mm (H) 210Kg (W)
Mixing can dimensions: Max Diameter 340mm (external Ø) 320mm (seating Ø); Min high 70mm; Max high 400mm; Weight
35Kg max
- Materials used by Fast & Fluid Management Srl to manufacture the machine doesn’t undergo corrosions or deteriorations
(They are compatible) with the paints which have to be mixed .
- If requested will be supplied the list of the used materials for the construction of the machine, to assure the compatibility with
the paints which have to be mixed.