July 2018-A
Vehicle Lifting Points
Some vehicles may have the manufacturer’s Service Garage Lift Point locations identified by triangle
shape marks on its undercarriage (reference SAE J2184). There may also be a label located on the
right front door lock face showing specific vehicle lift points. If the specific vehicle lift points are not
identified, please refer to the “Typical Lift Points” illustration below or the ALI/LP Guide - Vehicle
Lifting Points / Quick Reference Guide included with your lift. Consider center of gravity, contents of
vehicle and weight shifting before operating.
Make sure the vehicle is neither front nor rear heavy. If the specific vehicle lift points are not
identified, or if the vehicle has additional or uniquely positioned payload, have a qualified person
calculate the vehicle center of gravity or have the vehicle center of gravity determined at a vehicle
scale. Load the vehicle with the center of gravity midway between adapters.
Unusual vehicles, such as limousines, RV’s, and long wheelbase vehicles, may not be suitable for
lifting on this equipment.
If necessary, consult with your iDEAL Automotive Equipment representative or contact the vehicle