Jun 2017
1. The Owner/Employer shall ensure that lift operators are qualified and that they are trained in the
safe use and operation of the lift using the manufacturer’s operating instructions; ALI/SM10-1, ALI
Lifting it Right safety manual; ALI/ST-10 ALI Safety Tips card; ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2008 (R2013),
American National Standard for Automotive Lifts - Safety Requirements for Operation,
Inspection and Maintenance; ALI/WL101 Series, ALI Uniform Warning Label
Decals/Placards; and in the case of frame engaging lifts, ALI/LP-GUIDE, Vehicle Lifting
Points/Quick Reference Guide for Frame Engaging Lifts.
2. The Owner/Employer shall establish procedures to periodically inspect the lift in accordance with
the lift manufacturer’s instructions or ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2008 (R2013), American National
Standard for Automotive Lifts - Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and
Maintenance; and the Employer shall ensure that the lift inspectors are qualified and that they are
adequately trained in the inspection of the lift.
3. The Owner/Employer shall establish procedures to periodically maintain the lift in accordance with
the lift manufacturer’s instructions or ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2008 (R2013), American National
Standard for Automotive Lifts - Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and
Maintenance; and the Employer shall ensure that the lift maintenance personnel are qualified and
that they are adequately trained in the maintenance of the lift.
4. The Owner/Employer shall maintain the periodic inspection and maintenance records
recommended by the lift manufacturer’s instructions or ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2008 R2013), American
National Standard for Automotive Lifts - Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and
5. The Owner/Employer shall display the lift manufacturer’s operating instructions; ALI/SM 10-1, ALI
Lifting it Right safety manual; ALI/ST-10 ALI Safety Tips card; ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2008 (R2013),
American National Standard for Automotive Lifts - Safety Requirements for Operation,
Inspection and Maintenance; ALI/WL Series, ALI Uniform Warning Label Decals/Placards; and
in the case of frame engaging lifts, ALI/LP- GUIDE, Vehicle Lifting Points/Quick Reference
Guide for Frame Engaging Lifts in a conspicuous location in the lift area convenient to the
6. The Owner/Operator shall provide necessary lockout/tag out means for energy sources per ANSI
Z244.1-1982 (R1993), Safety Requirements for the Lockout/Tag out of Energy Sources,
before beginning any lift repairs and maintenance.