Importing/Exporting jobs
The SYNC menu allows importing pre-configured jobs from AnyWARE Cloud
or Desktop software to the LanTEK IV.
Completed tests can be uploaded to AnyWARE Cloud when connected to
Wi-Fi. Jobs are synchronized between AnyWARE Cloud and the LanTEK
IV. Tests added to a job on AnyWARE Cloud will be downloaded to LanTEK
and tests created on LanTEK will be added to the corresponding job on
AnyWARE Cloud.
Alternatively, AnyWARE Desktop provides test management and reporting
from a PC without using cloud services. Jobs created on AnyWARE Desktop
can be exported to a USB key and downloaded to LanTEK.
Completed tests can be exported from LanTEK to a USB key then uploaded
to AnyWARE Desktop and added to the corresponding job. Each test result
is saved with a file whose extension is .res (result).
USB keys up to 512GB are supported and must be formatted as FAT32.
Download imports jobs into
the LanTEK for testing.
Upload sends completed tests
for viewing/reporting with
Note: the Memory Stick option
is visible only when a USB key
is connected to the LanTEK.