5. Do not use or charge if wet.
6. Do not use or charge if the battery has expanded, enlarged, or swelled.
7. Never discharge below 3.0V per cell.
8. Never charge a battery that has been discharged below 3.0V per cell.
⑦ Set up the Maximum rate of climb and descent.
⑧ Set up the maximum flight speed.
⑨ Mode : Include manual, manual set altitude, GPS set altitude, GPS set altitude
(head-free),Return and land.
Flight Mode Description
1 、Manual
In Manual Mode , the aircraft will fly normally and is stabilized in 3 axes.
The aircraft may be controlled by TX, but is also controlled by the stabilization signal of main
controller. The final flying state is determined by a combination of manual control and MC
2 、Manual set altitude
In this mode, craft will hold the altitude but not hold the position.
When the THR stick is in its 50% position the craft will hover in the current altitude but
not at its current position (the craft will drift when the GPS is not locked), but the craft