12000 Ford Road, Suite 110, Dallas, TX 75234
Tel: 972-247-1203
Fax: 972-247-1291
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10. Alarm
10.1 Motion Detect
Pic 6 Motion Detect
Motion Detection Setup: Set DVR equipment making it alarm, linkage record and make the PTZ turn to preset position
when there is a moving object in designated areas during Monday to Friday.
Step1. Choose
Main Menu
Motion Detect
, then enter the setup interface;
Step2. Choose one channel and adjust sensitivity level, then set the time period of alarm surveillance. Set the monitor area
(click the “set” button, choose the areas you want, and the “default” means choose all areas, then right click to choose "up
Step3. When at alarm state, the DVR can take linkage measures. Alarm output, recording, tour, PTZ activation, snapshot,
show message, sending email (need to set email parameters at net service)and buzzer (local buzzer).
Step4. Set other channels alarm parameter following step 2 and step 3.
Note: Video blind, video loss and alarm input’s setup method are similar with motion detection.
10.2 Video Analysis
Pic 7 Video analysis
Video analysis function
: can set in two rules: picket line and picket area
Picket line rules: can be set to forbid bi-directional, from up to down (from left to right), from down to up(from right to
left), 2 forbidden directions, when the moving objects meet the picket line rules, alarm will occurred. (Note, when it is set
over pitched
will show the direction from left to right / from right to left, otherwise will show that of from up to down /