12000 Ford Road, Suite 110, Dallas, TX 75234
Tel: 972-247-1203
Fax: 972-247-1291
17 / 25
1.2 Web Monitor
When connected to the network, use the browser of PC to login DVR for remote control.
Step 1: install ActiveX, file name is “IE Plug_V1.1.0.78.exe”, which can be got from the CD attached, follow the tips to
install it.
Step 2: connect device, open browser, input the IP address of device, for example, the IP is, then input at the address column, will enter below page:
WEB login interface
Step 3: Log in, input user name and password. (If you choose to link with all the video after login, you will need to choose
network stream, LAN use main stream to transfer, WAN use the extra stream to transfer, we suggest choosing extra
streaming if your network is poor). The default administration is admin, no password. User should revise password of admin
after loging in. Below pic 9 is the interface after successful login.
Pic.9 WEB interface