I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
® Waves System
V 3.0 - 2004
7.1-A - Starting up of a program on timer
The player includes a real time internal clock indicating both the time
and the date.
It is therefore possible to start up a hourly program in 3 modes :
- Only once at any given day and time.
For example on 31 December 2050 at 23:00. (the player can be
programmed until 2099).
- Every week , on the same day and at the same time.
For example every Monday at 8:00AM.
- Everyday at the same time.
For example everyday at 12:00.
Each program can have priority or not.
Priority mode : the current musical broadcast is interrupted and the audio message(s) is/are broadcast.
Non priority mode : the player waits for the end of the current file before broadcasting the message(s).
Note : when the programmed actions only concern volume modification or output management, the
current file is not interrupted, regardless of the mode selected
7.1-B - Starting up of a program by electrical contact
If the I/O extension card is present, an electrical contact on one of the
inputs can start a program. The binary value of the input will start up the
corresponding program number. A light signal indicates the binary value
of the contacts in relation to the program number.
8 independent inputs or a combination of these 8 inputs can be controlled
this way to obtain 255 control possibilities corresponding to 255 programs.
Application examples :
museums, commercial entertainment, local radio stations, shops, game parks… Buttons can be associated
to audio messages broadcasting advertisements, music, guided tour information relating to works of art,
multilingual information…
Safety information
In public places , various detectors (light, temperature, door contact….) can trigger security or warning
Note : the ID-AL player is not a security device (in relation to current regulations)
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