I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
I.D. AL - SP603 - Professional MP3 audio player - Manual
® Waves System
V 3.0 - 2004
- 14 -
This has no effect on the player, as it doesn’t manage ID3 tags.
- Adjust volume (normalize) if the Audio CD is incorrectly mastered (too low or too high volume). This will
avoid future volume discrepancies between files.
It’s a better choice to activate normalization to avoid sound level changes in your musical library.
File name
- Format: Up to your wishes, this set the format for the file and directory names that will be created
starting from the CD’s information. In order to know the various formats, click on the «?» button. You can
name your files as you want. Don’t forget that this name will be the one displayed on the player. For a
better reading comfort, avoid too long names.
This configuration menu manages the CD player from your PC as well as the way to rip the Audio CD. If
it’s not correctly configured, you’ll have no sound. It’s a better choice not to change too much settings in
this page.
- Codec used to encode the file extracted from the CD. You have different choices and, it’s up to you to
choose a codec or another
(depending on compression,
rendering, size, loss on signal, etc).
We chose here the MP3 format.
- Select Lame MP3 Encoder (version
1.26 engine 3.91 MMX) or higher, still
the best MP3 encoder (up to today)
with a good operational speed and
rendering final quality.
- Encoding options:
Bitrate: Applied bit rate or interval,
depending of the encoding type. We
suggest a value of 128 (minimal and
maximal). You can choose other
values to match the desired sound
quality. The player can read any file
from 8kBd to 320kBd. 128 kBd allows
a compression factor of 10 (it means
the file size will be 10 times smaller on the disk) without noticeable quality loss.
- Flag: Private - Checksum - Original - Copyright
Avoid changing these parameters.
- Quality: Encoding output quality, or preset selection. R3Mix Preset is a good compromise.
- Méthode VBR: VBR method. Avoid this encoding type.