Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring. 24
Using Spacers
Before installation, you should determine the location of each measurement
point in the sapwood. This should be done based on the measured bark depth
and sapwood thickness. If the bark is greater than 10mm thick, some bark
should be removed to allow the outer measurement point to sit 2.5mm below
the cambium in the outer sapwood. If the bark is thinner than 10mm, small
spacers can be used to locate the outer measurement point approximately
2.5mm below the cambium in the sapwood. This is useful for small stem
installations where you need to ensure that at least one measurement point is
in the sapwood.
Spacers can be made from an electrical cable sheath stripped from the figure-
8 power cable used for charging the SFM1x. Use a razor blade to cut all three
spacers the same length, with square edges on both sides.
If you can, insulate the installation with foam and aluminum foil to prevent
ambient environmental conditions from affecting the measurement.
Insulation is not normally necessary on installations that do not require spacers.