GW-7238D J1939 to MBTCP Server / MBRTU Slave Gateway User’s Manual (Ver.1.1, May. 2013) --- 5
1. Introduction
The GW-7238D is a gateway that provides conversion between
J1939 and Modbus TCP/RTU protocol. For J1939 network, the GW-
7238D supports PDU1, PDU2, broadcast and destination specific type of
J1939 messages. For Modbus TCP/RTU network, the GW-7238D is a
Modbus TCP server / RTU slave to reply the request from Modbus TCP
client / RTU master. Utility software is provided for users to configure
J1939 and Modbus TCP/RTU setting in the GW-7238D. The application
fields can be diesel power-train applications, In-Vehicle networks for
trucks and buses, etc.
The following is the application architecture for the GW-7238D:
Figure 1-1: Application of the GW-7238D
1.1 Mode of operation
The GW-7238D provides centralized data storage, for data that is
shared between the Modbus and J1939 networks. Data is placed into the
GW-7238D by one network interface, and allowing the data to be read or
written through the other network interface.