GW-7238D J1939 to MBTCP Server / MBRTU Slave Gateway User’s Manual (Ver.1.1, May. 2013) ---
The GW-7238D firmware and 7188xw.exe can be downloaded from
2.5.2 Firmware Operation Mode
In the operation mode, users need to set the dip-switch to the
“Normal” position as Figure 2-14 and reset the power. The GW-7238D can
run in the operation mode. In this mode, users can use the Modbus
Master command to set / get J1939 messages via COM or Ethernet
Figure 2-14: Normal Position of Dip-Switch
2.6 LED Indication
The GW-7238D includes four single-color LED displays to indicate the
status of module. The following are the illustration of these LEDs, shown
as Figure 2-15.
(1) PWR LED :
It is used to help users to check whether the GW-7238D is standby. If
the module is working in “firmware operation” mode, the PWR LED is
always turned on.
(2) ERR LED :
It is used for demonstrating an error that has occurred. The ERR LED