Important Safety Instructions
Ple ase read all in stru ction s be fore operatin g the uni t.
Kee p th ese instructio ns fo r future reference.
Ple ase read all s afety warnings.
Follow manu facturer's ins truc tions .
Do not u se t his u nit n ear water or m oisture.
Cle an o nly w ith a dry cloth .
Ins tall in acc orda nce with the man ufac ture r's in stru ctions.
Do not i nsta ll or use near any heat sou rces suc h as rad iators, he at re gist ers, stov es, or ot her appa ratu s
( including a mplifiers ) that produ ce heat.
Do not b ypa ss or alte r the pola rized gro und ed p lug. Serio us d ama ge may r esul t and will void you r warranty.
A p olarized plug has two blade s w ith on e wider than the othe r.
A g rounding type plug ha s two bla des and a th ird g roun ding pro ng.
The wide b lade or t hird prong is provided for you r safety. If the provid ed plug d oes not fit int o yo ur ou tlet,
con sult an e lectricia n.
10. Pro tect the power co rd from being walked on o r pin ched Che ck the en tire wire periodic ally a s we ll as all p lugs,
rec eptacles and the point where th e co rd conne cts t o the unit.
11. Unp lug this unit d urin g lig htnin g st orms or when unu sed for lo ng p eriods of time .
12. Refer a ll servicin g to qual ified pers onn el. S ervic ing is require d when the u nit has be en damaged in a ny way.
User's Manual