You can enter contents into the Memory channels
in the VFO mode, depending on the transceiver’s
1. Setting the frequency in the VFO mode
1) Set the MHz digit.
Push [ /MHz/GRP], and then push [
] or [
• The MHz digit blinks.
2) Exit the MHz digit Selection mode.
Push [ /MHz/GRP] again.
3) Set the kHz digit.
Push [
] or [
2. Entering a memory name (p. 7-3)
1) Open the “MEMORY NAME” item.
2) Enter a desired name.
Push [
] or [
] to select the desired character.
• Push [SCAN] to select the character group.
You can enter the characters listed below.
A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, (space)
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
• Push [MENU/CLR] to clear the entered character.
• Push [PRI/DUAL] to move the cursor to the left, and
push [SQL] to move the cursor to the right.
• You can enter up to 12 characters.
3) Return to the “MEMORY WRITE” menu.
[ ]/[MHz]/[GRP].
3. Setting the Lockout setting (p. 7-3)
Select whether or not to lockout the selected channel
while scanning.
1) Open the “LOCKOUT” item.
Push [
] or [
], and then [ ]/[MHz]/[GRP].
2) Select the Lockout setting for the channel.
Select “OFF” or “ON” and then push
[ ]/[MHz]/[GRP].
• Returns to the “MEMORY WRITE” menu.
Entering contents into the Memory channels
4. Selecting a group (p. 7-3)
Select the group to store the selected channel in.
You can select one of up to 10 groups, depending on
the transceiver’s setting.
1) Open the “GROUP” item.
Push [
] or [
], and then [ ]/[MHz]/[GRP].
• The group list is displayed.
2) Select a desired group.
Push [
] or [
], and then [ ]/[MHz]/[GRP].
• Returns to the “MEMORY WRITE” menu.
5. Writing the contents into the Memory channel
Select the “WRITE” item and then push
[ ]/[MHz]/[GRP].
The VFO mode is for only EXP, USA, and
EUR versions. If you are using the transceiver
without the VFO mode, you cannot enter the
contents into memory channels.