ICOM 7100 Go-kit Connections
SRCARES-250_7100Connections – Rev 1.0
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Locate the short coax jumper cable and connect one end to the antenna tuner port [RF IN].
Connect the other end of the short coax jumper to the main unit port [ANT1].
Connect the coax connection from the HF antenna to the antenna tuner port [ANTENNA].
Turn the radio on by pressing and holding the center of the [AF > RF/SQL] knob on the front of
the control unit.
You may now change channels to a local repeater or simplex frequency to check your
connectivity. Please see the operating or Nifty operating manual for instructions.
To test HF capabilities, please ensure the radio is set to no more than 35% output power
and the frequency is clear before pressing and holding [TUNER/CALL] button on the
front of the control unit. (Remember, you must have at least a general class license to
operate on HF.)
Ensure all cables and your operating area are tidy and free of any hazards. Cables running
across the floor should be tucked out of the way or marked with caution or flagging tape.