The room where
boilers are to be installed must be exclusively used for them, compliant with the Technical Standards
and the Law in force and equipped with adequately dimensioned vents for generator power.
It is recommended to position the boiler, if possible, lifted from the floor to minimise dust extraction by the burner fan.
For information only, below is some useful information:
the room must have a main entrance for the passage of the boiler and two doors with panic push-bars for the passage of the
personnel. It must also feature a suitable fire protection system
the support base of the generator must be flat and able to withstand the weight of the appliance full of water, complete with
accessories and pipes for the possible execution of the on-site hydraulic test
it must be equipped with ventilation openings created as established by the relevant Technical Standards
the room must be exclusively used by the personnel in charge of the activities on the generating system.
The access
prohibition to unauthorised people must be duly signalled
consider the possible the need to replace components that fail over time
special buffer zones, duly sized in order to allow the operators to carry out the operating, check and maintenance operations
of all the installed components in full safety and in compliance with the
Legislation in force in the place of installation
, must
be arranged around the boiler
the boiler can be installed inside an outdoor prefabricated heating plant room, compatibly with the dimensions of the
supplied boiler model, and in compliance with the Legislation in force in the place of installation.
COMPULSORY request upon
order placing
A (*)
max 90°
(*) A ≥ P2 (see "Size and fittings*)
A space is necessary at the front of the generator, at least equal to the length of the tube bundle to allow the extraction
of the turbulators to clean the pipes and possibly replace the smoke pipes.
All generator, safety valves discharges, etc., must be suitably conveyed to inspectionable collection points.
Consider the spaces necessary to access the adjustment and safety devices and to perform maintenance.
The installation room must be equipped with a ventilation system according to the current legislation.
For the dimensions of the openings, always refer to the current legislation.
The ventilation openings are used to allow the inflow of combustion air and to eliminate any fuel gas pockets from the room.
As an indication, in case gases lighter than air (natural gas) are used, the air vents must be positioned in the highest point of the