• Bleed boiler and level indicators;
• check the efficiency of the control and adjustment instruments by carefully examining the electrical parts, the connections and
the mechanical parts (pressure switches);
it is recommended to replace the probe ceramic spark plugs annually
• carry out burner maintenance (according to the relative instructions)
• check the torque of the flange bolts and the state of the gaskets
• clean the tube bundle and turbulators
Periodical inspection every 6 hours (electromechanical panel)
Periodically (every 6 hours of operation) the operator must go to the heating plant room to check the efficiency of the safety
• Block pressure switch
• Safety level switches
If no system fault is detected, you can reset the electric panel: cut power to the electric panel for approximately 20 seconds, power
on again using the main switch and then press the reset buttons.
For further details, follow the chart below.
Cooke Industries - Phone: +64 9 579 2185 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cookeindustries.co.nz