FIRST START-UP (Electromechanical panel)
Before start-up, open the door and insert the turbulators completely inside
the front ends of the smoke pipes, taking care to push them inside by at least
100 mm.
The figure is indicative
• Check that all fittings are fully tightened.
• Make sure that the water delivery pipe is clean, by repeatedly flushing and draining it in the sewer before the final filling.
• Close drain valves, steam outlet and cylinder/level indicator drains.
• Open the level shut-off and feed valves (upstream and downstream the water pump).
• Make sure the door is properly closed.
• Start up the boiler as follows:
1) Prime the pumps by connecting a pressurised water pipe to the boiler rear side, at the bottom;
2) While checking the opening of the burner main switch, power on the boiler panel;
3) Make sure that the electric pump drive shaft can turn smoothly and that direction of rotation is correct;
4) Set pump switch to AUT position and make sure that burner start-up is not enabled before minimum level is reached;
5) Check that pump stops when maximum level is reached, looking at the level indicators and checking the position of their taps;
6) Press and hold the reset button of the water safety level for at least 10 seconds since the relay with conductivity trip point is of
the delayed type;
7) Open boiler drain and check level indicator to understand when pump start probe triggers (7 Fig. 8);
8) Set pump switch to “0”, leave drain open and check safety probe triggering level (8 and 9 Fig. 8) with reference to the minimum
level plate;
9) Close the drain, set pump switch to AUT position;
10) Power on the burner and pressurise the boiler by setting its operating pressure.
FIRST START-UP (Electronic panel)
See the specific OPERATOR PANEL technical manual.
Cooke Industries - Phone: +64 9 579 2185 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cookeindustries.co.nz