1.2. Description
The ICE TECH PS ice cube maker is the result
development of a high technology factory.
Main Features:
Storage bin made of plyester strengthened with glas fibre or ABS
Stock bin made of high resistance plastic materials
Polyurethane insulation injected
Heavy duty door (pat.) except 22
Agitator motor for continuous service
Tough cam motor (50 Kg/cm)
Safety device and clutch for the water pan preventing its breakage during the upward cycle,
Machine stoppage and water pan protection dur
The stock ice is the maximum than it could be thanks to the stop machine system.
Low noise
High pressure safety pressostats even in air
Large condensers (work well at high ambient temperatures and reduce cooli
consumption in water-cooled machines)
Clear cubes
Ice Cube size can be adjusted (height and diameter).
Easy to maintain and repair.
1.3. Operating principle
When the machine is switched on the compressor and the agitator motor start, the water entry
valve opens and allows water into the production pan up to a level where the float makes a
micro-switch cut the current to the valve and so stop water entering the tray. The compressor,
controlled by capillaries produces enough cold in the evaporator to gr
around its “fingers”.
When the ice so formed reaches the proper size the paddles of the agitator are stopped and its
motor suspended, works the end of cycle micro
starts the cam motor. When the micro
ICE TECH PS Technical Service Manual
The ICE TECH PS ice cube maker is the result of years of experience in this field and the
development of a high technology factory.
Storage bin made of plyester strengthened with glas fibre or ABS
Stock bin made of high resistance plastic materials
Polyurethane insulation injected “IN SITU”
Heavy duty door (pat.) except 22-32.
Agitator motor for continuous service
Tough cam motor (50 Kg/cm)
Safety device and clutch for the water pan preventing its breakage during the upward cycle,
Machine stoppage and water pan protection during the downward cycle, (pat.)
The stock ice is the maximum than it could be thanks to the stop machine system.
High pressure safety pressostats even in air-cooled machine.
Large condensers (work well at high ambient temperatures and reduce cooli
cooled machines)
Ice Cube size can be adjusted (height and diameter).
Easy to maintain and repair.
When the machine is switched on the compressor and the agitator motor start, the water entry
valve opens and allows water into the production pan up to a level where the float makes a
switch cut the current to the valve and so stop water entering the tray. The compressor,
controlled by capillaries produces enough cold in the evaporator to gradually freeze the water
When the ice so formed reaches the proper size the paddles of the agitator are stopped and its
motor suspended, works the end of cycle micro-switch.This micro-switch connects the relay that
r. When the micro-switch has fallen, opens the hot gas valve and stops the
Technical Service Manual
of years of experience in this field and the
Safety device and clutch for the water pan preventing its breakage during the upward cycle,
ing the downward cycle, (pat.)
The stock ice is the maximum than it could be thanks to the stop machine system.
Large condensers (work well at high ambient temperatures and reduce cooling water
When the machine is switched on the compressor and the agitator motor start, the water entry
valve opens and allows water into the production pan up to a level where the float makes a
switch cut the current to the valve and so stop water entering the tray. The compressor,
adually freeze the water
When the ice so formed reaches the proper size the paddles of the agitator are stopped and its
switch connects the relay that
switch has fallen, opens the hot gas valve and stops the