Cancel bar: Cancel all the set call barring functions. To
do so, you need to input the barring code provided by the
network operator.
Change barring code: Change the call barring code. To
do so, you need to input the old code.
Line switching:
Switch to Line 1 or Line 2. By default,
Line 1 is used.
Note: If you choose Line 2, dialing may fail. This depends
on the implementation of the network operator.
Closed user group:
This function requires network
support. For details, consult the local network operator.
SIM on the service is required .
SIM2 setup is the same as SIM1 setup.
Advanced setup
Auto redial
Set it to
to enable or disable
auto redial. If you set
Auto redial
, the mobile
phone will automatically redial the number a moment later
if the called party does not reply. The number of auto
redial times can be set to a maximum of 10. In the auto
redial period, you cannot dial other numbers. To end the
auto redial process, press the
Note: This function requires support from the network
operator to which the SIM card is registered.
IP dial
: Activate or deactivate the IP dial function and
add or edit IP numbers.
Call time display
: To display call time or not in a call.
Call time reminder
: To set single or circle tone in a
call to make you know the time.
Reject by SMS
: To reject the call by replying him or
her a short message.